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The Shambhala Warrior's Weapon
"There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Great barbarian powers have arisen.
Although these powers spend their wealth in preparations to annihilate one another, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable destructive power, and technologies that lay waste our world. In this era, when the future of sentient life hangs by the frailest of threads, the Shambhala warriors a... posted on May 08 2021, 3,129 reads


A Seed of Freedom
Actor Jeremy Irons narrates this landmark film by The Gaia Foundation and the African Biodiversity Network, in collaboration with MELCA Ethiopia, Navdanya International and GRAIN. In it, we learn how our world has gone from a vast bedrock of diversity, created over thousands of years," to genetically modified seeds engineered to withstand pesticides refined with a few changes from explosives and n... posted on May 07 2021, 2,173 reads


Mercy Needs to Be Where the Need is Greatest
For decades, Sister Marilyn Lacey has aligned her energies and aspirations with refugee communities in the United States, as well as in some of the most ravaged pockets of our world. She describes her leap into the refugee universe in her breathtaking book, 'This Flowing Towards Me: A Story of God Arriving in Strangers.' The heart of the Scripture come glowingly to life in the words, works, and t... posted on May 06 2021, 3,537 reads


For Small Creatures Such as We
In "For Small Creatures Such as We" Sasha Sagan, daughter of astronomer Carl Sagan, "explores the worlds of ritual and tradition from a scientific viewpoint. Sagan is non-religious, much like her science-minded parents. When she became a mother, she wanted to find a way to incorporate ritual and tradition into her family in a way that, instead of religion, reflected her passion for space, science ... posted on May 05 2021, 3,606 reads


Nature and the Serious Work of Joy
"'Our origins are of the earth. And so there is in us a deeply seated response to the natural universe, which is part of our humanity," Rachel Carson wrote in reflecting on our spiritual bond with nature shortly before she awakened the modern environmental conscience. The rewards and redemptions of that elemental yet endangered response is what British naturalist and environmental writer Michael M... posted on May 04 2021, 5,034 reads


Six Habits of Hope
Hope is often viewed as the anticipation of circumstances being better in the future, but in this article environmentalist and social activist Kate Davies suggests that intrinsic hope is based in the here and now. Applying 6 habits of mindfulness to one's daily life will allow us to live from a place of hope that embraces life as it is now in all of its beauty and complexity.... posted on May 03 2021, 59,274 reads


Waiting for the Elvers
"I'm not sure who first saw the wriggly, almost see-through, three-inch bodies of the elvers, or baby eels. But I think it was my energetic five-year-old because I remember his face. When he told me, he had run all the way back to our house through the woods and up our steep bank. His eyes were shining and he was breathless from exertion and excitement. His words tumbled one over the other, and hi... posted on May 02 2021, 3,160 reads


A Day with the Langs
For over twenty years artists Richard Lang and Judith Selby Lang have been collecting plastic trash washed up on a pristine beach in Point Reyes National Seashore. Their meditative practice, and the art they make from the collected detritus, is a small song of hope in the face of the worldwide blight of single-use plastic. ... posted on May 01 2021, 2,882 reads


Imagine a World Without Prisons
Deanna Van Buren designs restorative justice centers that, instead of taking the punitive approach used by a system focused on mass incarceration, treat crime as a breach of relationships and justice as a process where all stakeholders come together to repair that breach. "Imagine a world without prisons," Van Buren says. "And join me in creating all the things that we could build instead."... posted on Apr 30 2021, 1,998 reads


Karma Quilts: One Woman's Labor of Love Offering
"In her heartwarming book, My Grandfather's Blessings, Rachel Remen says, "You do not need money to be a philanthropist. We all have assets. You can befriend life with your bare hands." I am grateful for being able to befriend life with my bare hands through the making of quilts and prayer shawls." Jane Jackson is a mother, grandmother, former mid-wife, writer and much more. Over the decades she h... posted on Apr 29 2021, 7,176 reads


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We are not seeking a meaning of life, we are seeking an experience of being alive.
Joseph Campbell

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